Hey there! I'm a fullstack developer.

My name is Atko. I craft digital solutions using modern frontend technologies.

Let's work together

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Explore some of the latest web sites,
apps, and games, that I have created.


I'm on a journey, transitioning from being an IT project manager to becoming a full-stack JavaScript developer. Currently a student, I dive into coding for the love of blending design with problem-solving. Daily you will find me hacking away closely with others, to faithfully translate designs into impactful digital solutions.


Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Vue, React, Node), TypeScript, and SQL, I'm gearing up to master Next, Gatsby, Nuxt, and Svelte. Being curious by nature I am fast at embracing the latest technologies, and I do my best to always craft fun, vibrant, and elegant solutions that offer value for their users and leave an impactful impression.


When I'm not immersed in code I feed my creativity with dancing cuban salsa, singing in a pop-choir, working out at the gym, running track and watching movies with friends and family.

Catch ya later!


I am greatful to be working with individuals who appreciate my vision and value my work. Hear what they have to say about me.

A man can be an artist... in anything, food, whatever. It depends on how good he is at it. Atko's art is web development... and he is about to paint his masterpiece. I don't have anything else to say.

Paul Rayburn

Security at Scott Free

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Title at Employer

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Title at Employer


Don't be a stranger! Wether you have a cool project idea or you're just curious about something, say hi.


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